Equipment rental is only for members who have attended member orientation.

1 All equipment rentals can be reserved and confirmed on-line.
2 Reservations must be made no later than 3 days and no earlier than one month before the date of use.
3 Borrowing and returning of production equipment takes place only twice a day, at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.
4 Production equipment cannot be rented for more than 7 days running and for more than twice a month.
5 The minimum time for renting post-filming facilities is 4 hours in the day and 8 hours at night.
(AM 9:00-PM 1:00 / PM 2:00-PM 6:00 / PM 7:00-PM 11:00 / AM 12:00-AM 8:00)
6 The minimum time for renting production equipment is 24 hours.
7 Reservations should be canceled at least 3 days before the date of use, and members who do not comply will be issued a warning. A member who has received 3 warnings will have membership suspended for 6 months.