Digital Audio Workstation System PROTOOL(6.4.1) Audio console : Mackie 2408 PT Mix Plus with Wave Piug-In USD / 888 24 I/O G4 Daul 867 2G RAM/CD-RW, DVD-RW 20-inch Cinema Display Timepiece AV USB Nanosync clock generator 29\" Flatron TV(CN 29FA10) Marathon G.Rack SCSI LVD Type HDD RNR 2bay with 10K 36GB DVCAM DECK(SONY-DSR 1800) BETA DECK(SONY UVW 1800) QUICKTIME(MOV) OUTPUT - CANOPUS ADVC 110
Outboard Mic pre amp (ISA 110) 166A PCM 81 Finalizer 96K
MIDI system MOTU MIDI time pice, MIDEX8 Qubase 5 VST K2600X with 1GB RAM, Q-lock stand Giga sampler with Halion AP250 1GB/RAM WIN 2000 PRO Magnetic shielding 1031A with wood stand Head phone MDR -7506 Hollywood Edge Premere edtion 1, 2, 3
Recorder system Shoeps CMU5/41S with mount kit, wind screen RE90B, C414B with mount kit, wind screen 1.2 mic stand 122MKII Cassette Deck Multi channel recorder DA98 HR DAT Recorder DA45 HR Audio CD recorder ML9600 MD recorder 801R MKII